CV and referees

Some more about CV content.

I think a CV should list a couple of referees with contact details for these people. Often a CV will say ‘referees available upon request’. I’ve never really understood the point of that. Just put the full details on your CV so the employer can get on with contacting them. Not having the contact number for the referee is just another barrier for the employer. You want to make it all as simple and easy for the employer as possible.

Next point, think about what these people are going to say about you. It’s surprising how many times we call a person’s referee only to get a negative response about the applicant. So think carefully about who you list. You want to have people that know you from a workplace point of view such as a previous employer or supervisor etc. The right referee who will say positive things about you as a person and your work attitude and skills makes a huge difference. It gives the employer confidence in understanding who you are and what you can do.

One thought on “CV and referees

  1. Hiya Mark I enjoyed your comments and totally agree . It is a frustration point for employers, applicants should be aware if Referee contacts provided they are a step ahead

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